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Is Your Relationship in Good Health?

It's been a couple months now that the world at large has been thrown into local and international quarantine. In an unprecedented stay-at-home order, couples and spouses have been forced to spend time together 24/7. Simultaneously, many persons have lost their jobs and found themselves in very difficult financial problems.


According to a survey conducted on 1,200 married and engaged couples co-quarantining. Married and engaged couples in quarantine are fighting more. 82% of couples reported no satisfaction in communication with their partner, with the biggest conflicts centered around, how often to have sex, followed by purchasing decisions, then how much time they spend on their cell phones.


71% of couples are seriously struggling with their relationships. According to several divorce attorneys, a wave of divorce filings is expected to break across the country. Financial stress combined with confinement is also pushing some marriages to a legal and physical breaking point.

Domestic violence is on the rise. Millions of people are left in a quandary, anxiously brainstorming on how to stay afloat financially.

It is estimated that 68% of couples are making it a huge priority to deepen their emotional connection, and millions of people are now realizing that they need to learn how to conduct business online.

They are taking the time to discover new things in business, and make their relationships MATTER.










Following below is a very simple assessment that will accurately determine the health of your relationship with the respective urgency for action, and/ or the necessity for the implementation of measures to significantly lower the risk of the end of your relationship/ marriage.

We can ascertain your relationship’s health by examining and measuring the strength of your energetic connection by using our Relationship Energetic Risk Assessment Matrix. This can also be referred to as the Relationship Emotions Risk Assessment Matrix.




What is Energetics?


Every human being functions and lives by means of their self-existing system of energy or self-existing system of electricity from which we think, feel, breathe and move. This system is traditionally known as, as well as referred to by many ancient texts, as spirit and life, and is responsible for what we now refer to in our modern world, as vitality. This energetic system is self-generating, and functions strictly by the Principle of Inspiration, or self produces by the stimulus of thoughts of Inspiration.




How does this relate to my Relationship?


When two people begin a relationship the energetic system of both persons, inspired by the thoughts and actions of each other in the relationship, begin to connect and become one singular energetic system.  The energetic frequencies of both persons begin to vibrate in synchronicity. The outward movement of this electricity from one person to the other person in the relationship, is tangibly felt. This is what we call “emotions”, “falling in love”, or “having feelings for someone”. This is also what one refers to as loving someone.


Within the parameter of the subject of relationship, there are 5 contexts of energetic output, or emotions, that are found present in a relationship/ marriage, that are necessary for the sense of satisfaction or fulfillment. The absence of one or more of these emotions or energetic connections, results in a feeling of an emotional void, a sense of not feeling happy, or not feeling satisfied.


These are:


  1. Humanitarian emotion: This is the care for the overall wellbeing of your partner, which is not self-benefiting.

  2. Friendship/ Team emotion: This is the connection in the context of a close friend, with whom you can share your life and thoughts with. Confidants.

  3. Presential/ Enduring emotion: This is built on commitment, understanding and long-term best interests

  4. Romantic/ Playful emotion: This is the affection that is felt with having a crush and displaying it, or between young lovers

  5. Sexual emotion: This is the desires of passion, lust and pleasure, which can be displayed in a primal feeling to have sex.


For these energetic connections or emotions to be generated, both parties of the relationship must feel inspired.




What is the problem in my relationship or marriage?


A relationship by definition is a connection that is made functional by means of an agreement, which is simply a mutual promise to each other in the relationship to be mutually mindful of the things that inspire these classifications of emotions in the relationship.   The problem in relationships/ marriages in our modern society, is that this has not been taught and so couples and spouses live with each other, either never having had this conversation, so they genuinely are not clear as to what type of inspiration their partner needs, or for one reason or another (there can be myriads), one partner operates in a sense of entitlement making their inspirational needs a priority and a condition for them to inspire their partner. This results in feelings of great emotional turmoil and distress, such as, disappointment, hurt, anguish, anger, resentment, hate, bitterness, self-preservation, etc., and ultimately no energetic connection.




Why is my marriage or relationship in DANGER of destruction?


What many people do not know, nor take into consideration, is that, as mentioned above, every persons energetic system is continuously self-generating, much like the waters of a hot spring, and the longer there is no inspiration and no trustworthiness to direct their energetics or emotions to their partner, the more there is a continual and unending increase in the yearning in their partner for an outlet to direct their context/s of energetic flow to. This creates a very quiet build up of their energy internally, like putting a plug in a spring of water, and with whomever or whatever provides the inspiration that they need, the energy or emotions will burst forth. In some persons, this can happen uncontrollably. The longer the lack of inspiration in the relationship, the greater the energetic build-up, like pressure in a pipe. Some persons can mask it for a long time, while others simply cannot.




What are the signs and symptoms of this danger?


  1. Emotional distance in any one, or multiple contexts, of the 5 classifications of emotions

  2. Arguments and quarrels, as a result of one partner feeling pressured. This is as a result of demands being placed on the partner’s energetics or emotions, instead of inspiration.

  3. Directing their energetic outlet to pornography. Pornographic inspiration.

  4. Gravitating to constant communication with persons outside of the relationship. i.e. those who are inspiring one or more of their emotions.

  5. Feeling uncomfortable when a partner tries to engage one or more contexts of emotions, as a result of the lack of energetic inspiration

  6. And more…




In the matrix below, we have made it very simple for you to identify the health of your relationship by identifying the different classifications of energetic connections or emotions (on the left) and the length of time that the connection has been inactive (indicated by the row at the top of the matrix). The greater the time that each one is inactive, the more urgently intervention should be effected In your relationship or marriage.


Start by measuring each energetic connection with the length of time that the disconnection has been present.



What do the colors mean?



The energetic connection is present, whatever measures that can be pit in place to secure it, should be considered and implemented, proactively.




The energetic connection is at the verge of disconnecting.  Precautionary measures should be considered, and action taken immediately to prevent the redirecting your partner's energetics (emotions) to other sources of inspiration, and strengthen the connection. 




No energetic connection present. IMMEDIATELY identify disconnectors and blocks and implement action plan, AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. Very likely that the energetic connection is already being inspired elsewhere.



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